Huntingdon Inspired by Teacher of the Year

Huntingdon Inspired by Teacher of the Year


News Release

September 9, 2024
For more information, contact:
Laura Brelsford | | 334-833-4563

Huntingdon Inspired by Teacher of the Year

Montgomery, AL – 9月6日,星期五,十大菠菜靠谱平台迎来了2024年阿拉巴马州年度教师,Mrs. Deborah Stringfellow, to campus. 十大菠菜靠谱平台铺上了猩红的地毯,以庆祝学校精神. Stringfellow. Special guests, community members, faculty, staff, 学生们在鲜花大厅受到十大菠菜靠谱平台大使的欢迎, the Huntingdon Hawks Cheerleaders, and the Marching Scarlet and Grey Band. 节日的庆祝活动包括欢快的音乐和欢呼,这些都不会被下雨的天气所影响.

此次活动由十大菠菜靠谱平台教师教育与美术系主办, 十大菠菜靠谱平台院长安东尼·利和十大菠菜靠谱平台第一夫人. Wendy Leigh. 该项目是总统教育工作者年倡议的一部分,旨在表彰和突出十大菠菜靠谱平台家族以及整个阿拉巴马州的教师和行政人员.

After an introduction by Mrs. Leigh, a former teacher who taught for years with Mrs. Stringfellow, the guest of honor took the stage. Stringfellow shared with the audience a story of faith, wisdom, and service in her life and in her education career. 斯特林费罗的人生很早就受到了教育的影响和塑造. 她受到老师们的鼓舞,他们相信她,并推动她取得成功, parents who valued education, 还有同事和学生,他们激励她把教室当作传教地.

Stringfellow shared that we must have faith to continue to believe each day that we can get up and make change in the world; but faith is only the first step. 她继续分享信仰需要智慧,而不仅仅是通过获取知识获得的智慧. 她认为,智慧更多的是十大菠菜靠谱平台如何利用这些知识为他人服务. Teaching, to Stringfellow, is not about conveying information; teaching is a service profession that uses wisdom as a tool. 她热情地讲述了自己的生活,在那里,其他人为她在学校提供了庇护, to give her opportunities, and to give her a desire to do more in her life. 她鼓励听众用服务为他人打开大门, 要认识到每一个善意的行为、每一刻的支持和鼓励都能使另一个人的生活变得更好.

Stringfellow concluded with a call to action. She remarked that everyone, regardless of profession or college major, can create infinite change in the world.  她告诉听众,包括许多未来的教育工作者,拥有信仰永远不会太晚, to gain wisdom, or to share service to make another life better, 他们往往在相信自己之前就相信了别人.

Emma Grace Samples ’27, an education major from Gadsden, Alabama commented after the event, “我可以肯定地说,年度最佳教师的演讲不仅打动了我的心,也打动了在场许多教育专业学生的心. 它点燃了我们许多人的热情,不是她为什么选择教书,而是我们为什么应该选择教书.”

斯特林费罗在5月被宣布为2024年阿拉巴马州年度教师, chosen from more than 40,000 teachers across the state. 她目前是米尔布鲁克机场路中学的一名四年级教师, 她在课堂教学和行政管理方面有40多年的职业生涯. While in Millbrook, Stringfellow是十大菠菜靠谱平台教师教育项目的众多学生和许多十大菠菜靠谱平台校友教育工作者的导师.

Huntingdon College, 以联合卫理公会的犹太-基督教传统为基础, is committed to nurturing growth in faith, wisdom, 服务和准备在快速变化的世界中取得成功的毕业生. 十大菠菜靠谱平台成立于1854年,是一所男女同校的文理学院.


十大菠菜靠谱平台致力于反对法律上不允许的行为, arbitrary, or unreasonable discriminatory practices. Therefore, the College, 根据适用的联邦和州法律以及学校政策, 禁止基于实际或被认为的种族的歧视, color, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, age and/or national origin. 查询和/或投诉可发送给:十大菠菜靠谱平台第九章协调员, 1500 East Fairview Ave., Montgomery, AL 36106;; or 334-833-4420.

Picture of Laura Marie Tyree Brelsford '05

Laura Marie Tyree Brelsford '05

(334) 833-4563 | |


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